The Daily Ping

Somehow, Ryan has written over 1 million Pings; Paul, just 60.

January 2nd, 2009

Working Post-Holiday

Today is January 2nd, the day after a holiday, and I’ll be working today as will many people. This is fine and good; I’m glad I have a good job. But all things considered, should a holiday fall on a Thursday again I’ll definitely be angling to take the Friday afterwards off.

The main reason is simple: I’m confused as to what day of the week it is. Yesterday at various times felt like Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I finally settled on it feeling like Sunday instead of Thursday, so now I have a one day work “week” before the proper weekend. That, coupled with staying up late for New Year’s, kinda messed up my internal calendar.

Any other Pingers working today? Am I the only one who got thrown off by the Thursday holiday?

Posted in Everyday Life

Ryan January 2, 2009, 2:30 pm

I, too, am working today. I planned it this way, after nearly two weeks off, because I figured a quiet day at the office would be a good way to both ease back into things and catch up on small things that piled up in my absence.

Rob January 2, 2009, 7:22 pm

I’m working today. I have something due today, so I can’t be out. The office is pretty quiet today, so I guess it’s not so bad. But I kinda want to be sleeping right now.

jk January 3, 2009, 2:20 am

I worked today too, yet was looking for things in the mail that always arrive on Mondays! Calendarlexia.

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