The Daily Ping

Apple did not consult with us when they named Ping, Ping.

August 5th, 2010


In my life of work, I never wear a tie. In my personal life, a tie is rarely called for. In fact, I wear a tie maybe three times a year. The last time I wore one? I think it was last Christmas.

I don’t mind ties all that much, though I hate wearing a suit with a passion. It’s just that the situation rarely calls for one. And I’m still not great at tying one.

How about the rest of you tie or non-tie wearers? How often? Last time?

Posted in Everyday Life

Cat August 6, 2010, 5:29 pm

So I went to comment on the Kindle v Books entry, and it comes up with a password field. Just a heads up.

Also, that video was pretty lame. C’mon. ;P

Paul August 7, 2010, 4:54 pm

Thanks Cat. The password thing will be fixed momentarily.

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