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October 13th, 2008

An Alarm Clock Feature I’d Like to See

When I’m setting my alarm clock at night, I don’t mind thinking ahead to what time I need to awaken the next morning. What I dislike, however, is when I’m laying down for a short nap or I’m snoozing in the morning and I need to start doing math, which leads to me asking questions of myself like, “What time will it be in 23 minutes? Because that’s how long I want to sleep.”

My question: why don’t alarm clocks have a “quick alarm” feature where you can just set it to go off in x minutes? Sort of like the “sleep” button that I always accidentally hit, except that people would actually use it. It’d be useful for mid-day power naps as well as mornings where you don’t want to hit “snooze” three times just so you can sleep another 27 minutes.

Posted in Everyday Life

Andy October 13, 2008, 3:54 pm

You need to look at the Neverlate Executive available from Think Geek. It has a nap timer as well as discrete alarms for each of the 7 days. It has a number of other great features as well. I had the previous version and upgraded to this one, giving the original to my daughter.

The best alarm clock available in my opinion.

Ryan October 13, 2008, 4:03 pm

That clock looks pretty bonkers.

Andy October 15, 2008, 1:34 pm

Another couple of great features is the programmable snooze duration – the somewhat industry standard 9 minutes doesn’t work for me. I like a more relaxing snooze, like 15 minutes.

That leads into the other great feature (not sure what they call it) – accelerated snooze. Each time you hit snooze, it snoozes for 1/2 the previous time. This works great for me!

Jessica October 19, 2008, 11:09 pm

I also felt that way!!! And, then, I also sleep so hard that nothing can wake me up.
Husband and I bought a “Screaming Meanie” from Amazon… its an awesome and easy to use alarm clock! It has a ‘timer’ feature as well as an early wake up feature… When you want to wake up at 5:00 PM, it goes off once at 4:50 PM, once at 4:55 and then again at 5:00… plus it is one of the loudest alarm clocks available, also suggested for the hard of hearing or truckers who need help getting up on weird schedules.
Let me know if you like it!

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