The Daily Ping

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July 3rd, 2007

The Perfect Vacation Spot

How many times have you said, “I wish I could go on vacation right now, to a nice, secluded island.”?

Well, have I got a place for you. Allow me to point you towards Bouvet Island, the most isolated island in the world.

Bouvet Island is an uninhabited (by humans) dependant area of Norway that’s a sub-antarctic volcanic island, over 1,000 miles from its closest neighbor (which is also uninhabited). Of course it has its own TLD (.bv), just in case a glacier ever wants to start a (very isolated) web site.

If you want to travel there, you generally need to be part of a planned expedition with a pretty darn good reason for going there. One radio operator, Chuck Brady, made a trip there in 2000 as part of a DXpedition. Brady passed away a year ago under somewhat odd circumstances.

I’m thinking that the first PingCon should be located there. Who’s with me? The weather’s great!

Posted in Just Plain Odd

Dave Walls July 5, 2007, 3:35 am

If you’re paying for the airfare, I’m there. It might be a little cold for the Lawn Darts tournament.

PingCon does have a nice ring to it, though…we are LONG overdue for one.

jk July 5, 2007, 2:52 pm

I agree with Dave. Let’s take in informal survey and see who would be game for meeting somewhere in this world!

What is this then?

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