The Daily Ping

The 10,000th Ping will be published on May 24, 2027. Paul will be just about 50 years old.

August 16th, 2009

First Song You Ever Liked

There are a few things I remember from being really, really little – and music is one of them. My parents loved their music, although their favorites were quite different. My dad liked singer/songwriters, for the most part, and my mom liked 50s/60s pop. And yes, we had a big console stereo in our living room for many years.

Given that, then, I can also remember the first song I ever really liked. And it was “Copacabana” by Barry Manilow because… yes, my mom was a fan (and still is!) I was young, what can I say?

But Manilow doesn’t mean anything to me. The first song I liked and found on my own, thanks to MTV, was Joe Jackson’s “Steppin’ Out.” I still like it.

Posted in Childhood Memories, Television, Movies, and Music

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