The Daily Ping

The Ping is self-aware.

January 10th, 2010


If you’re like me and enjoy lists, Teuxdeux might be just what the doctor ordered.

It’s a to-do list webapp. It has no really fancy features; it shows you five days’ worth of to-dos at a time plus a Someday bucket. You can drag items from day to day, reorder them, edit them, and cross them off. But it doesn’t integrate with anything – no RSS, no iCal, no anything. It’s very simple… and that’s why I’ve taken a liking to it.

I’ve had a difficult time finding a to-do app I can really hang my hat on. But Teuxdeux definitely comes closest, and the price is right. Give it a shot.

Posted in Technology

Paul May 18, 2011, 10:41 pm

Teuxdeux is really great.

I’ve tried out other to-do apps, as I’m wont to do, but Teuxdeux is the one I come back to. It really handles almost everything I need it to, and it’s really, really good at it.

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