The Daily Ping

We've only had four major designs over our 11 year history.

January 10th, 2010


If you’re like me and enjoy lists, Teuxdeux might be just what the doctor ordered.

It’s a to-do list webapp. It has no really fancy features; it shows you five days’ worth of to-dos at a time plus a Someday bucket. You can drag items from day to day, reorder them, edit them, and cross them off. But it doesn’t integrate with anything – no RSS, no iCal, no anything. It’s very simple… and that’s why I’ve taken a liking to it.

I’ve had a difficult time finding a to-do app I can really hang my hat on. But Teuxdeux definitely comes closest, and the price is right. Give it a shot.

Posted in Technology

Paul May 18, 2011, 10:41 pm

Teuxdeux is really great.

I’ve tried out other to-do apps, as I’m wont to do, but Teuxdeux is the one I come back to. It really handles almost everything I need it to, and it’s really, really good at it.

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