The Daily Ping

Fred "Rerun" Barry once commented here.

March 18th, 2000

White Castle.

One of the true measures of growing up, at least in the Chicago area, is your like or dislike of White Castle. White Castle has been around for eons, it seems, serving up small hamburgers at a decent price. Most people in the area just call ’em "sliders" (although White Castle itself calls them "slyders") simply because, well, they slide right through you.

But they’re so good. It’s very rare to meet people who have lived here all their lives and haven’t formed an opinion on White Castle. A friend of mine, though, brought in some friends from school. They love food that really, uhm, challenges you, and sliders would fit right into their ideal. Guess what? They got sick. Oops.

But they’re so good.

[As an aside, though, the White Castle in Nashville was a poor attempt at imitating a real White Castle. The burgers tasted funny. The burgers didn’t stay with me for hours, like good sliders should. And when I order a chicken sandwich, I expect a chicken sandwich, not two chicken rings put on a bun!] -pm

Posted in Food and Beverage

Robert K August 8, 2007, 4:11 am

White Castle has got to be the nastiest food on Earth! I just came to this sight because I was wondering why they called those sickening burgers “sliders”. The answer doesn’t surprise me. They don’t smell any different sliding out than they do sliding in either!!!

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