The Daily Ping

The Story About Ping was about a duck, not this website.

August 28th, 2002

1 O’Clock Shadow

I can’t say I remember the first time I shaved, but I know that it was a good long while ago.

I started shaving before most of the other boys in my class… 2nd grade! No, no, that’s a lie. I probably started early on in high school, when facial hair decided to make an appearance on my face. And unless I wanted to model myself after Theo on The Cosby Show, I opted to shave. Soon, though, a weekly shave progressed into shaving every few days. Then, every day.

Now I’m at the point where I’d almost like to shave twice a day. Why? Because of the darned 1 o’clock shadow. Yes, yes, it’s traditionally 5 o’clock shadow – but I think that’s a bit of a myth, like saying that everyone works 9-5. My shadow checks in around 1, and stays until I shave the next morning.

It’s a wee bit annoying to deal with, but I must say I enjoy it more than, say, shaving my legs. This way if I cut myself, it’s open for all the world to see.

What about you Pingers? When did you find shaving became a frequent requirement?

Posted in Everyday Life

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