The Daily Ping

Apple did not consult with us when they named Ping, Ping.

August 16th, 2004

The Onion

Like many urban hipsters, I read The Onion.

Okay, that’s a lie. I don’t read it. I read the headlines. That’s it. I also look at the infographics and the photo responses. And the A.V. Club is usually worth a read. But come on. Do I need to read the whole article?

It’d behoove The Onion to publish a shorter, one-page edition with just the headlines. I think I’d like that.

And, your funny tangental “scorned web designer story:” I once did work for a guy who was starting a new company. In the end, I did about 10-15 billable hours of work, and he dissolved the still-non-existant company to go work at The Onion‘s Chicago offices. He never paid me.

Posted in Pop Culture

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