The Daily Ping

Fred "Rerun" Barry once commented here.

May 2nd, 2006

Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

A couple of months ago I was watching an episode of America’s Test Kitchen (recommended, by the way) and oatmeal cookies were being made. But not oatmeal raisin cookies – just oatmeal. And then the host, Chris Kimball, made some sort of derogatory comment towards raisins. He promoted oatmeal cookies by themselves (and with other ingredients), and kind of slammed raisins.

Then I read this blog entry about raisins and how they’ve “ruined” the oatmeal cookie. And the comments are pretty heated, but the original entry struck a chord with me.

What in the world happened to people that they got so uppity about the poor little raisin? Was it the California Raisins? Because trust me, we can do without them. Or maybe it’s something else? Something deeper?

In any event, I’m really perplexed over all this raisin hatred. Let’s get one thing straight: oatmeal raisin cookies are fantastic. They just are. Oatmeal cookies? Fine and all, but come on – you need something else in the cookie.

I’d like to propose a compromise. Instead of endorsing oatmeal-only cookies, let’s instead boost the underdog: the oatmeal chocolate chip cookie. Truly, it combines the best of both worlds: the oatmeal that oatmeal lovers crave, and the chocolate chips that everyone else on earth craves. It’s like the black and white cookie, only with oatmeal and chocolate chips.

Just stop complainin’ about the raisin. (Blazed!)

Posted in Food and Beverage

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