The Daily Ping

The Ping is self-aware.

December 20th, 2006


Eggnog (or, if you like, “egg nog”) is a holiday tradition to be sure. It’s creamy, rich, and delicious!

Except that I disagree with that last part.

I never got into eggnog. I think it’s great that the holidays have their own official beverage (and it isn’t Beverly), but I just can’t drink the stuff. It’s got two things going wrong for me: a strange texture and not-quite-right flavor. All of the nogs I’ve tried – and I’ve tried multiple just to be sure I didn’t like it – have tasted like they should be vanilla milkshakes, milk, or cream. But it’s just not centered for me.

Given my opinion is right, I’d like to nominate a new official beverage for the end of the year: Hot Dr Pepper. Don’t forget the lemon.

Posted in Food and Beverage

COD December 20, 2006, 1:30 pm

I’m totally with you on the egg nog – can’t stand the stuff.

Ryan December 20, 2006, 2:27 pm

I also have never liked egg nog. There’s a reason people only drink it for one month of the year. Oddly, I liked Silk Soy Nog the one time I tried it.

My favorite holiday drink: Wassail ( ). All the Wassail I’ve tried has been alcohol-free, as far as I know, and made with apple cider. Which, I guess, just makes it spiced cider.

Maria December 20, 2006, 5:26 pm

Not a big fan of egg nog myself, but this year I’m going to make some egg nog cheesecake and see how it goes over as a dessert.

jk December 20, 2006, 10:27 pm

Just looking at egg nog makes me want to yack.

My mom used to make Wassail in her 1970s do-not-immerse-me Crock Pot. It was great! And heavily spiked.

mel December 21, 2006, 2:52 pm

Put a little Jack Daniels in your nog. Makes it much better for me.

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