The Daily Ping

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April 17th, 2008

No Solicitors

We’ve made a big decision around our house this year: we’ve finally posted a (small, handwritten) NO SOLICITORS, NO EXCEPTIONS sign. This time of year, especially, we get bombarded by alarm salespeople, college students trying to sell cleaning stuff, and scammers trying to sell magazine subscriptions at an absurd markup (always so they can “win a trip to Cancun”). But, we’re done with it. I don’t care who you are, don’t come to our door trying to sell something. I know some people make exceptions for Girl Scouts with their NO SOLICITORS rule, but we’re just going to support the girl scouts we know.

Combine this with the Do Not Call Registry and our subscription with GreenDimes, our goal of being marketing and sold to less is actually becoming a reality. It’s kind of nice to not be bugged on the phone, deal with lots of mail, and now, be bothered by annoying ringing doorbells.

Anyone here have a No Solicitors sign? Does it work?

Posted in Consumer Commentary, Everyday Life

COD April 17, 2008, 3:58 pm


If you are selling something DO NOT knock on the door, or ring the doorbell. We do not need your magazines, coupon books, or eternal salvation. Iā€™m sure your cause is important, and it will still be important without the donation you will not get from us.

If you are a Boy Scout or Girl Scout this does not apply, please knock. One can never have too many Thin Mints in the house!

Works brilliantly. The only people that seem to ignore it are politicians and their volunteers.

Steve A April 17, 2008, 10:32 pm

I saw this early today before reading Daily Ping. It is *so* appropriate. It comes from a chef/restaurant forum of which I am part.

To Whom it May Concern,

We appreciate the invitation to participate in your non-profit organization, however we are unable to make a donation at this time. We are a young and growing business with limited resources and seats. We have chosen the local non-profits that we are most interested in supporting and set a budget that our business can handle.

We wish that we could donate to all the worthy non-profit organizations in town, but we all know that the list is just too long to make it financially feasible. Good luck with your fund raising efforts. Maybe if you had directed your studies on a subject that didn’t require free handouts and made money for yourself, you wouldn’t have to be a sniveling, bleeding heart liberal that still thinks that socialism will work.


insert name here

Ryan April 17, 2008, 11:24 pm

Liked that one up until the presumptuous final sentence!

Sanjiv April 17, 2008, 11:55 pm

GreenDimes here,

that’s one hilarious blog. i’m printing it and puting it on my doorknob

Steve A April 18, 2008, 12:20 am

You mean where they misspelled sincerely??? šŸ˜‰


Steve A April 18, 2008, 10:52 am

I do want to clarify that letter was never sent or posted.


Ryan April 18, 2008, 3:16 pm

That would be a pretty bold thing if it was! šŸ™‚

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