The Daily Ping

There were rumors of a Ping book, but those were started on the internet.

March 29th, 2011

Favorite Cities, 2011

Over the years, I’ve been to a few of the US’s major cities. For your enjoyment, I’ve decided to rank them with the briefest of commentary (if any). My criteria for the ranking include entertainment, public transportation, restaurants, and general personal bias. My criteria do not include people in those cities that I know. So don’t take offense, folks in the bottom cities!

And truth be told, there’s something I like about every city on the list, so it’s not like I hate visiting any of these places.

Enough babble. Here we go:

  1. New York – I’ve been here close to a dozen times and keep finding new stuff to do and places to visit.
  2. Portland – I know more people here than any other city. Plus, the world’s only vegan mini-mall.
  3. Las Vegas – Yeah, I know! It surprises me, too. It’s not here for any of the normal reasons, either.
  4. Chicago – It has Paul!
  5. Seattle
  6. San Francisco – I suspect another visit here would bump this up a spot or two.
  7. Boston – Only spent a day or so here in the last ten years, so this was a tough one to place.
  8. Washington DC – My current home city (of sorts). And I don’t really like it very much.
  9. Philadelphia
  10. Baltimore
  11. Atlanta – Visited here 14 years ago and don’t feel like I really “hit the streets” like I have in other cities. Definitely deserves another visit someday.

Posted in Travel

COD March 29, 2011, 7:13 am

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