The Daily Ping

Ain't no party like a Ping party!

May 7th, 2011

Ping Dream

I haven’t had a Ping Dream in a long time, but last night I had a good one.

I was at work and apparently had purchased an item for Paul as a gift. I was e-mailing with his wife who said, “Hey, why don’t you drop it off in person?” I said, “Sure! I’ll drop it off on the way home!” Because, you know, Illinois is on my 20 minute drive home in Virginia.

I got there and was chatting with Jeani, waiting to surprise Paul. I turned around and saw him coming up the stairs wearing his robe and slippers, which apparently he puts on as soon as he gets home from work. He was oddly unsurprised to see me in his house.

We chatted for a bit and I decided it was time to get home. They gave me a large cardboard box of food (I think it was a bulk package of Ramen noodles or something). I asked them if they minded if I checked the ingredients. I opened up the box of ramen noodles and, in that dream magic way, they all became those small individual-sized boxes of cereals like Froot Loops and Frosted Flakes.

And then I woke up.

Thanks for your hospitality, Dream Paul and Dream Jeani! And, Paul… snazzy robe.

Posted in Just Plain Odd

Paul May 7, 2011, 9:24 pm

Hey, thanks! I just got it from Dream Ryan last week.

What is this then?

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