The Daily Ping

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October 12th, 2009

Columbia House and BMG Music Clubs

Ladies and gentlemen, this commercial is from 16 years ago:

And now? It’s something from another time – not just because of the music and VHS tape selection – but because of the whole concept. Columbia House still exists for DVDs, mind you, but with the changes in technology over the past few years in particular, this seems like a quaint throwback. BMG Music Clu… er, Service only closed up shop this past June.

I do remember filling out my CD collection in my early music discovery days (91-92, or so) with some CDs from Columbia House, but I also remember that almost every used CD shop near me wouldn’t touch the things with a ten foot pole when it came to selling them. It was hard to resist those “12 CDs for a penny!” types of ads in Spin and Rolling Stone though. How about you? Were you in a music club?

Posted in Technology

Ryan October 13, 2009, 7:52 pm

I was, too, off and on. Always BMG, never Columbia House. I can’t remember why.

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