The Daily Ping

The 5,000th Ping will be published on September 14, 2013.

November 28th, 2000

Cable’s coming…

I’m just about ready to enter the high-bandwidth club. After starting out on a 2400bps Acrotek Minimodem plugged into my Commodore 128, I’m about a week and a half away from getting a cable modem installed in my new place.

I would have gone with DSL, but allegedly it’s not available here – though the @Home site claims that, yes, cable modems are not available here either. I get a free install and half price for the first six months, which cuts the price to exactly the same as I’m paying for dialup now: $20/month.

However, there are some stories about cable modems on the net that are pretty darn scary. Incompetent service and poor performance seem to be the order of the day. And there are mixed opinions at Epinions, too. I’m still happy to be getting something faster than 56k, but it’ll probably be on a six-month probation period. If things are bad and don’t shape up, I’ll check out DSL. -pm

Posted in Miscellaneous

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