The Daily Ping

The Story About Ping was about a duck, not this website.

January 11th, 2001

Jelly Bellys

Having Jelly Bellys in our office recently has reminded me how much love those cleverly-flavored jellybeans. While a lot of people have trouble dealing with some of the exotic tastes, I wholeheartedly love the popcorn and toasted marshmellow flavored Jelly Bellys. And when I get a jones for the popcorn jellybeans, watch out — just last week I bought 1 1/2 pounds to snack on during my drive to and from NJ.

Apparently, they’re trying out a bunch of new flavors as well — one I’d like to try is their French Vanilla flavor… if it’s anything as true tasting as their others, I think that might creep into my top three favorites. They also have a Dr. Pepper flavor that’s gotten good response.

What are your personal favorites? Do any of their recipes particularly please your taste buds? -ram

Posted in Food and Beverage

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