The Daily Ping

The 5,000th Ping will be published on September 14, 2013.

December 30th, 2001

DVD Gripes

I received a good number of DVDs for Christmas. This is an interesting time to receive them, as the only DVD player I currently have is on my Mac (our TV has no video inputs of any kind thus, a DVD player in the living room will require a fair investment.)

There are a couple of things that bug me about DVDs, though. First: at least one DVD I own doesn’t allow fast-forwarding through the FBI warning and copyright notice. That may be acceptable if I wasn’t forced to sit through previews as well – all before the menu is accessible!

Second, the lack of bonus features on some DVDs is disappointing. There are two or three in our collection now that have, maybe, the trailer and (oooh!) audio tracks in other languages touted as bonuses. There are fewer and fewer DVDs made nowadays without some groovy bonus features, but these are dozers.

The biggest disappointment, though, came with Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. I perused the back of the DVD’s box and noticed in tiny, tiny type at the very bottom: “DVD-ROM bonus features require Windows 95/98 and may not work on a Macintosh.” Zot? As it turns out, it was true: all I can do is play the movie, and all of the bonus features cause DVD Player to crash. What kind of lame-brained move is this? People do use things other than Windows, you know.

All in all, I enjoy the heck out of DVDs – but a few of the little things do annoy me. -pm

Posted in Television, Movies, and Music

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