The Daily Ping

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June 5th, 2002

Vanilla Coke

After a lot of searching, I finally got to try the new Vanilla Coke. The day that it came out, I hit 7-11, Giant, and Target, and none of them had any in stock. Fortunately, this past weekend, Pinger Matt and I were on a road trip and when he went into a 7-11 to pick up some bottled water, he spied a Vanilla Coke and grabbed me one.

I’ve long enjoyed handmade vanilla Cokes — at the cafeteria in college using vanilla coffee syrup and at the old Harwan Theatre in New Jersey, so I was curious to see if they got the right balance of vanilla and regular-Coke-crap. The verdict: a reserved thumbs up.

I enjoyed the soda — moreso than regular Coke. The straight cola taste has worn a little thin, even with all its slight variations and incarnations, and I rarely drink it. There’s no doubt that Vanilla Coke has a “different” taste to it. And there is a hint of vanilla, and while I liked the taste, I could have done with a bit more vanilla… a more pronounced flavor, if you will.

It’s worth checking out, though. And I hope it sticks around longer than Crystal Pepsi and New Coke.

Posted in Food and Beverage

Anonymous August 21, 2007, 2:47 pm

Aussies have been stiffed on every other flavour, but we still have Vanilla Coke and Diet Vanilla Coke – and they’re awesome.

Chris June 6, 2008, 2:36 pm

Vanilla coke is back and here to stay.

Ryan June 6, 2008, 2:37 pm

Was it gone? Didn’t even realize.

nathan September 13, 2008, 9:58 pm

I used to love vanilla coke but now that they have taken it off I missed it. So the other day I thought about mixing vanilla extract (the cheap kind works fine) into coke (regular works best) if you put a tablespoon of extract into an 8 oz or 250 ml glass it tastes like vanilla coke. hope this helps. 🙂

j.j. March 18, 2009, 9:37 pm

you sir are an absolute fat headed discrace of the human race and coke original will always be the best cola in the world and whill never “grow thin”.

p.s. you suck

Ryan March 18, 2009, 9:45 pm

It never whill?

fat head

Kyle April 11, 2009, 5:10 pm

well Paul its been 6 years and its not around, they need to bring it back!!!!

J.J. ….JAbronie!!!

Platty July 4, 2011, 7:23 pm

Vanilla Coke was the best drink I have ever had (non-alcoholic) and unfortunately they don’t sell it anymore luckily there are a few odd sites that sell it but at twice the price that they used to be. After about 8 years of not being able to get it, it was well worth the price.

Expensive but worth it for those people that want the original vanilla coke again 🙂

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