The Daily Ping

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July 7th, 2002

Soft Pretzels

What’s the best soft pretzel you’ve ever had?

While I grew up near Philadelphia, known for their soft pretzels almost as much as their cheesesteaks, and thoroughly enjoyed many a good Philly pretzel at a Phillies game, I’d have to say that my overall favorite soft pretzel experience comes from a most unusual place: The Dutch Wagon Market. The Dutch Wagon is a shop run by the Pennsylvania Dutch who come into town two days a week and sell their incredibly tasty food and candy. But the real treats are their soft pretzels: warm, squishy with butter, and topped with flavoring. That may sound like an Auntie Anne’s pretzel, but the Dutch Wagon has a special recipe (which my family managed to get from an “insider”) which results in the best tasting pretzel one will ever have.

It’s always comforting to know that there’s one thing big business can’t duplicate: the small touches and “home recipes” that result in some of the tastiest food around.

Posted in Food and Beverage

Dyly Love April 19, 2007, 7:33 am

Hey, c’mon. Steve Jeltz wasn’t so bad. You may not know this, but he has the interesting (thought distinctly weird) distinction of having the highest triple-to-hits ratio in modern baseball history.

Jay May 9, 2007, 11:52 pm


Do you still have that recipe for the best pretzels?

Terri May 31, 2007, 9:13 pm

Would you e-mail a copy of both pretzel recipes? Thanks!

Char June 24, 2007, 2:23 pm

Really don’t think Ryan has a recipe for soft pretzels. Period.

Ryan June 25, 2007, 4:47 am

Oh, I’ve got one. I’m just not sharing. Because I’m a dick.

Chrmann December 17, 2007, 6:28 pm

Sorry everyone is having a hard time!!

Here is the recipe. Good-luck!

Aunt Annie’s Pretzel Recipe

1 1/2 C. warm water
1 1/8 tsp active dry yeast (1 1/2 pkg.)
2 Tbsp brown sugar
1 1/8 tsp salt
1 C. bread flour
3 C. regular flour
2 C. warm water
2 Tbsp baking soda
To taste, coarse salt
2 – 4 Tbsp butter (melted)
Sprinkle yeast on lukewarm water in mixing bowl; stir to dissolve. Add sugar, salt and stir to dissolve; add flour and knead dough until smooth and elastic. Let rise at least 1/2 hour.

While dough is rising, prepare a baking soda water bath with 2 cups warm water and 2 tbsp baking soda. Be certain to stir often.

After dough has risen, pinch off bits of dough and roll into a long rope (about 1/2 inch or less thick) and shape. Dip pretzel in soda solution and place on greased baking sheet. Allow pretzels to rise again. Bake in oven at 450 for about 10 minutes or until golden. Brush with melted butter and enjoy!

After you brush with butter try sprinkling with coarse salt.

Or for Auntie Anne’s famous Cinnamon Sugar, try melting a stick of butter in a shallow bowl (big enough to fit the entire pretzel) and in another shallow bowl make a mixture of cinnamon and sugar. Dip the pretzel into the butter, coating both sides generously. Then dip again into the cinnamon mixture. Enjoy!

Yumyum July 9, 2008, 3:25 pm

Great Pretzel recipe!

Now does anyone have the recipe for cinnabon cinnamon buns?

Thanks in advance.

Dave Walls December 24, 2009, 11:42 am

Oh, *NOW* you’re just being greedy…

What is this then?

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