The Daily Ping

Fred "Rerun" Barry once commented here.

February 27th, 2004

Comfort Stand

In this era of RIAA lawsuits and major label monopolies, it’s refreshing to come across the independent record label that’s truly doing something different. Comfort Stand is one of those labels.

Comfort Stand works like a standard record label except they release their product only online. And every album is free. In addition, you can download the cover art for each album so you can print your own packaging. You can stream an album, download individual tracks, or grab the whole darn thing in one zip file. As far as the releases: this ain’t yo’ mama’s pop music.

I’ve enjoyed the Two Zombies Later double-disc compilation of exotica/lounge music that served as the labels debut. I also loved Party Fun With Recorders Volume 1, a collection of bizarre home recordings culled from random blank tapes purchased at flea markets and junk stores. There’s something quite satisfying about listening to a little kid sing “I fart all the time and I eat cheese, too / Hear those farts? Aren’t they cool?” (that would be track 22, “The Cheese Band”).

By far, though, my favorite album thusfar is Georgia and August Greenberg’s Sing Songs for You and Me!, a 13-minute album featuring the two young Greenberg children singing over musical accompaniment by their father. But this goes beyond kids singing into a tape recorder… the production value is really good while still managing to capture the rare creativity only found in young children that allows them to blurt out random song lyrics without restraint. “Big Girls” has become my new anthem.

Take a stroll through the Comfort Stand catalog… if you can appreciate the odd and love the obscure, it would be hard to find odder or more obscure.

Posted in Television, Movies, and Music

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