The Daily Ping

The 5,000th Ping will be published on September 14, 2013.

October 19th, 2004

Working the Polls

This election day, I’ve decided to work the polls. So, from 5am until 9:30pm—that’s 16 1/2 hours—I’ll be trapped at a local polling location helping set up machines, check people in, etc. etc. etc. Best of all, I’ll get to spend some quality time with the area’s spicy seniors.

I realize, based on past visits to the polls, that I’ll probably be the youngest person there by several decades, but it should be an interesting experience, nevertheless. I have a couple hour training session at the end of this month (at a senior center, no less!) and will cast my absentee ballot at the time and then have to show up by 5am on November 2nd. I do get paid (though it’s not exactly a king’s ransom), but my workplace doesn’t consider it a day of community service so I have to take a vacation day.

Has anyone here ever worked the polls?

Posted in Politics

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