The Daily Ping

The 10,000th Ping will be published on May 24, 2027. Paul will be just about 50 years old.

April 6th, 2006

Annoying Grocery Shopping

Our grocery shopping schedule doesn’t really revolve around the big local chains – Jewel and Dominick’s – anymore. But occasionally we need to get something at Jewel that just can’t be had anywhere else (usually, cheap soda.) It’s those instances that remind me of how frustrating a shopping experience can be.

The reason? Simple: TVs. All of our local Jewels installed TVs in the checkout lanes a while ago. They broadcast a series of Food Network clips, news, CNN-style news tickers, weather, stuff like that, along with commercials. But they’re always on, always a few decibels above normal speaking level, and impossible to ignore. I really just want to turn them off.

To add insult to injury, Jewel installed huge flat panels in their produce section. These run the same content-and-mostly-ads that are in the checkout lanes. It’s a really strange thing, as these TVs are loud.

And it freaked me out when I was at a Meijer once and saw Teri Hatcher promoting the ABC “In-Store Network” above the meat section.

I guess that’s one reason we avoid these places. They’re an assault on the senses, and coupled with higher prices (shouldn’t these things bring prices down?) they make shopping a real annoyance.

Posted in Everyday Life

mary January 17, 2008, 12:14 pm

obnoxious tvs, while grocery shopping, would make me find another store. quickly. i have in the past, actually walked in and right out of establishments that i found were blasting tvs(laundromats, restaraunts ect..)

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