The Daily Ping

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June 5th, 2007

A Week I Hope You Celebrated

The third week in May was National Dog Bite Prevention Week. I sincerely hope you celebrated this important week by preventing yourself from being bitten by a dog.

Interestingly, the place where I found out about this particular awareness week seems like the punchline to a joke: the post office. I guess postal carriers and dogs still don’t get along so well.

Please remember: “Do not run from a dog and scream.” Scream first, and then run.

Posted in Just Plain Odd

Aanen June 5, 2007, 3:06 pm

My friend’s mom used to be a letter carrier. She has a collection pepper spray bottles used to chase away dogs.

Joseph June 6, 2007, 2:08 pm

I celebrated by going into my Dog Bite Meditation Room where I quietly reflected. I burned some dog fart smelling incense (marked Jasmine, but smells just like dog farts, and looking at the dimple/scar on my hand that was left many years ago by a collie fang . Then I hugged my own two happy mongrels.

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