The Daily Ping

The Ping is self-aware.

January 3rd, 2008

TJ on LT

You may remember me singing the praises of LibraryThing back when it first launched. I’m still a very happy user (still waiting for the wish list/collections feature, though!) and have cataloged a good portion of my books so far.

One kind of neat thing that has been born from LibraryThing is their I See Dead People[‘s Books] group, a bunch of people that are working to catalog the book collections of famous dead people. One of their major early successes: Thomas Jefferson. Not only have they added 4,889 to Jefferson’s library based on research they’ve done, they’ve even added reviews of 187 books written by TJ himself, culled mostly from letters. If you have your own account, you can even see how many books you have in common with President Jefferson (I have none).

Read more here about this neat use of a social network.

Posted in Technology

Robert January 6, 2008, 12:30 am

TJ and I share two books, neither of which I’ve read yet.

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