The Daily Ping

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January 24th, 2008

Can Jesus Jones Go Away?

Once in a lifetime there is a song that is so vital, so endearing, and so important that even though you hear it all the time… you need to hear it again. And again. And again.

That song is not “Right Here Right Now” by Jesus Jones.

This rather bleh pop song is played on the radio often, still, but it’s showing its age. It’s not timeless but dated. That’s why it’s great that it’s been used by both Hillary Clinton and Jerry Brown (92 – remember him?) for their presidential campaigns – neither one got the memo apparently, but at least Brown was in the right decade.

Deep down in my gut, though, I have a feeling this song will stick around like that little, tiny spot I can’t get off of my cookie sheet no matter how much method dish soap and Brillo I use. And it will always bother me.

Posted in Television, Movies, and Music

Dave Walls January 24, 2008, 11:48 am

I gotta imagine the lead singer of Jesus Jones is driving his car to his day job, managing a Wal Mart in Germany or something, and hearing his song on the radio, thinking “They’re still playing THAT?!”.

Don’t blame the artist. Blame the unoriginal music director of whatever radio station you are listening to.

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