The Daily Ping

Fred "Rerun" Barry once commented here.

July 12th, 2008

A Sampling of Humorous WiFi Network Names

I see a fair number of open and closed networks on the way to and from the office. Here are a few of my favorites:

  • MineNotYours (this one was closed)
  • Sharon Smells
  • Format C:
  • 1sharon2bobby3timmy4sally5robert

It seems to me that selecting a good name for a WiFi network is like selecting a good band name. In which case, I’m going to rename my network to Biff’s Stomach Monkeys as soon as I can.

Posted in Technology

Marcus Mackey July 14, 2008, 4:13 am

I settled on AirSpongeOne since a few of my buddies nicknamed me “The Sponge” and well… it might throw people off to thinking that my Wireless-N setup is really nothing more than a giant sponge sucking in internet. 😉

BTW… heya Paul and Ryan, long time no ping. 😉

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