The Daily Ping

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May 15th, 2009

Whatcha doing? Nothin’, just “sexting” my “tweeps.”

Phrased I’m tired of hearing in 2009:

  • Sexting
  • tweeps
  • H1N1
  • Anything CNN puts in “quotes” in a headline

Posted in In the News, Pop Culture

Charlie May 15, 2009, 7:57 pm

I completely agree with all the statements above. I personally am sick of hearing anything about the “Swine Flu” and how “you could die from it” and how “you need to get vaccinated.”
Another one, “OMG!!” I am currently in high school and not part of the popular ‘preppy’ crowd, and when I recently tried to count how many times I heard that in one 8 hour day of school, I gave up after 117 times in 6 hours.

Paul May 16, 2009, 3:34 am

What if CNN starts putting the word headline in quotes in its headlines?

jk May 16, 2009, 7:56 pm

I thought they were trying to keep God out of schools?

What is this then?

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