The Daily Ping

Not a toilet in the country has not been affected by the Ping in one way or another.

September 9th, 2009

Simple Toilet Question

On this ninth day of the ninth month of the two-thousand-ninth year of some people’s lord, I ask you this:

Why don’t toilets have a simple button that lets you add more water to the bowl based on what you plan on using the toilet for at that moment? Most of the time, only a small amount of water is required, so why waste it with a full bowl full? Other times, a little extra water may be required.

(Boy, it’s still hard to write delicately about toilet usage without using potty language.)

Posted in Toilets

Viren September 10, 2009, 8:56 pm

Most toilets I’ve seen in Asia have 2 buttons: less water and more water. I gather from this that “most people in the US don’t care much about water conservation” :-\

What is this then?

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