The Daily Ping

The Story About Ping was about a duck, not this website.

July 24th, 2011

Bumper Stickers

I’ve come to embrace bumper stickers. And well, really, I mean the magnetic kind.

I’m sure I used to think of them as silly or unnecessary and maybe they still are, but now that my minivan has a few stickers on it, I’ve gotta say that I feel better about the whole situation.

As a side note: when I got my very first car, I was interested in popping some stickers on it but – truly – I was worried about messing up the bumper with adhesive. I know, I know. So instead I printed out a few high-larious sayings on paper and taped them to the inside rear window for all to see. I called these “Bumper Snickers”, certainly the most unoriginal name for anything ever. But I was 16, so there.

Posted in Cars

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