The Daily Ping

There were rumors of a Ping book, but those were started on the internet.

March 8th, 2012

Dollar Shave Club

One of the most interesting videos I saw this week was for a new razor blade-selling startup (really), Dollar Shave Club.

I love the idea behind it: subscribe, and each month you’ll get enough razor blade refills for the month. Subscriptions start at $1/month… plus shipping, which bumps it up to $3/month. Still it’s really not bad.

Since I have a Van Dyke I don’t normally use as much of a razor as other people might, but I do know that I haven’t been replacing my disposable razors on any set schedule. It was pretty much a matter of my looking at the thing and if it looked awful… I’d replace it. But once I saw these ads I thought, “Huh. I can’t remember the last time I replaced the razor in the medicine cabinet or in my gym bag.”

I’m still sitting on a few more razors that I’ll work through. When I’m done, though, I’m ready to sign up for this service. I approve.

Posted in Consumer Commentary, Everyday Life

COD March 9, 2012, 1:56 pm

Before I grew out my Van Dyke again at Christmas I was getting a month out of a cheap disposable razor. I can’t shave with a blade when I am maintaining any sort of beard though. I have to switch back to the Norelco until opening day of baseball season, which is my traditional day to go back to clean shaven.

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