The Daily Ping

P is for Ping. That's good enough for me.

December 16th, 2006

Letter by Letter

A number of months ago I was inspired by the idea behind YourEmblem. The home page pretty much says it all, but to spell it out (har!): you can order a word or phrase to put on your car. These aren’t cheapy-looking letters (vinyl?) either – they’re good-looking and match a lot of existing emblems on cars.

Now Coudal Partners here in Chicago has taken the same concept and applied it to 1″ buttons. Pinsetter lets you order a word or phrase in button form. Buttons are popular with the kids right now, and they’re pretty nifty in general so it was nice to see. Smart idea. Both of these capitalize on that “monogrammed everything” trend of a few years ago but make it less, uh, trendy. Kinda.

I’m trying to guess what’s going to be next. My predictions: cupcakes and t-shirts. You heard it here first – patent pending.

Posted in Just Plain Odd

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