The Daily Ping

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February 10th, 2008

Welcome to The Captain

I know that the Writers Strike is almost, allegedly, over. And I know that’s a good thing for this tired nation. Why? Welcome to The Captain.

I had the misfortune of watching about, ah, 5 minutes of this show last week. The premise: somewhat snarky, somewhat hip white guy writer is down on his luck and gets to move into The Captain, an apartment building with (ready?) a bunch of wacky neighbors! Or as the CBS site says, “WELCOME TO THE CAPTAIN is a comedy about a wildly eclectic group of people whose lives are intertwined through the place they all call home, a fabled Hollywood apartment building.”

I’ve got to say that with a show like this, it’s like the writers weren’t even trying. What works better on sitcoms than the wacky neighbor? Try dozens of them. Imagine! Unlimited scripts! Amazing!

I really can’t decide if a bad reality show is worse than a bad sitcom.

Posted in Television, Movies, and Music

Terry M. February 11, 2008, 1:38 am

I watched the pilot also. The biggest problem is that they bumped Big Bang Theory for this!

Dave February 11, 2008, 2:54 pm

Reminds me of three’s company.. Look who the uncle is…..

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