The Daily Ping

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June 26th, 2008

Empty Nest Online

There are so many things to love about Empty Nest Online, arguably the best site on the internet devoted to the TV show Empty Nest. First? It’s arguably the best site on the internet devoted to the TV show Empty Nest.

Second, it’s hosted on GeoCities (yep, they still exist – obviously.). Third, the design is straight out of 1998 even though it was updated last month. Fourth, Laverne’s Hickory Stories offer a parallel to Sophia’s Picture It stories.

And fifth, it’s really really great to see honest-to-gosh fan sites that are still out there and not just part of Wikipedia.

Posted in Television, Movies, and Music

Matt June 27, 2008, 3:02 am

WTF? I was looking at Empty Nest clips on YouTube yesterday. This happens to be one of my favorite shows ever, and it astounds me that it hasn’t been given the dvd treatment.

What is this then?

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