The Daily Ping

Women make wilk, big whop!

August 23rd, 2002


RSS gets me aroused. Content syndication makes me happy. What haven’t excited me until recently are news aggregators, small apps designed to get information from RSS feeds (like from news sources and blogs) and present them in a more usable form. All the ones I tried were clunky.

Until Aggie. Aggie makes grabbing a set of RSS/XML feeds a breeze, and does it in a nice, basic interface. In a matter of minutes, I downloaded this small app (and the 20 megs of required .NET framework) and had 20 of my favorite news sources and blogs with RSS feeds entered in. Now, with a quick click an attractive page is presented in my browser with any posts or news items that are new since my last check. It appears to be pretty customizable, too.

Check it out and get to aggregating. It’ll please you greatly, I promise. Now to get to work on that Daily Ping RSS feed…

(thanks to andersja’s blog for doing the thorough research on news aggregators so that I didn’t have to.)

Posted in Technology

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