The Daily Ping

The Story About Ping was about a duck, not this website.

March 15th, 2000

Oreos, Part 3: Organic Oreos

So, by now, you know my weakness for Oreos. But the thing is, in excess, they are extremely unhealthy (especially the Double Stuffs that I love). Sure, I’ve tried Reduced Fat Oreos and they’re nasty (they’re reduced fat because they have almost no creme on them!). However, I’m here to report that I have found the holy grail of Oreos (or should I say, “Chocolate Creme Sandwiches”?): what I call “Organic Oreos.”

They’re not really organic, they’re actually just “All Natural” and sold by the Fresh Fields chain. Here’s why I love them so:

  • They’re not that bad for you (the page doesn’t have the health information, but they have no saturated fat) — in fact, they’re healthier than Reduced Fat Oreos.
  • They taste incredible — the creme is a slightly different consistency, but it’s delicious.
  • The amount of creme isn’t reduced, even though the fat is — it has more than a regular Oreo, though less than a Double Stuff.
And looking back at Monday’s Ping, why not market a jar of this creme, since it’s not all that bad for you? I bet this stuff would taste wicked in between layers of a chocolate cake.

Hey — why not try them out? They’re cheaper online than in the store ($1.95/box) and with one of these coupons you can get free shipping. Let me know what you think of them. -ram

Posted in Food and Beverage, The Oreo Family

jk October 3, 2006, 3:30 am

Time to bring this ping back to the top!

I have been buying a soy “ice cream” called Soylicious Cookie Avalanche. I heartily recommend it!! The fake oreo part is not crunchy but is still worth eating straight from the container.

Ashley May 5, 2007, 7:04 pm

The Newman-O’s? They’re incredible. I’ll never buy regular Oreos ever again.

ben May 14, 2007, 9:17 pm

i just discovered actually organic oreos. made with organic flour and suger, no artifical presertivites, flavors or colors no trans fat and no hydrogenated oils….and no fucking high fructous corn syrup.

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