The Daily Ping

Women make wilk, big whop!

March 28th, 2000

Paul’s Adventures in PDAdom

As of late, I’ve been entertaining the purchase of a personal digital assistant. That’s a PDA to you and me (although it could easily be "public display of affection".) Why do I need one? Well, I’m not 100% sure that I do need one. I don’t use a paper organizer of any type, but that’s mostly because they’re quite bulky. I used to use one in high school; the thing was practically attached to my hip.

I think my subtle love affair with PDAs began when I got to play with a classmate’s Palm last semester. The fact that it had a version of Frogger helped. But it just seems inherently more practical than a paper organizer, and the relatively small size helps.

I’ve narrowed the purchase down to either a Visor Deluxe, or a Palm IIIxe. They’re both the same price, and both have gotten glowing reviews, so it’s going to be a matter of personal preference. The upshot is that Handspring Visors will be available in stores such as CompUSA beginning… next week!… so I can check it out in person.

Any opinions on these things? -pm

Posted in Technology

Paul February 8, 2008, 8:52 pm

As a very late postscript to this Ping: I never bought a PDA. Didn’t need one and, really, still don’t. Viva la technology!

Paul August 20, 2010, 2:21 pm

And as an even later postscript: my iPad is now functioning as my PDA. So it took me ten years to buy a PDA. I’m really glad I didn’t buy that Visor.

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