The Daily Ping

The original Ping was painfully written in Perl.

March 16th, 2002

Basic Fun

Back in the day, when typing in programs was the way to make your computer do stuff, there were a load of books to help one out – chock full o’programs.

The one I remember the most is Basic Fun. It was a small paperback book with a cover featuring two geeky kids sitting in front of an Apple ][. They were obviously impressed with their creation. Oddly, I don’t remember any actual programs from the book – just the book! And I never got into the sequel, devoted to graphics (wow!) on the Atari computers (wow!)

Once I found this site, though, even more memories came flooring back. I absolutely loved the K-Power series (remember that mag?): Computer Craziness, Computer Monsters, Computer Olympics, and Computer Space Adventures (the suckiest one).

For the serious geeky side of me, well, it was Jim Butterfield’s ML book. ML was a freaking nightmare compared to BASIC, but the speed benefits were huge.

Do spend some time at the Computer Game Museum site, though – lots of great oldies to check out. -pm

Posted in Miscellaneous

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