The Daily Ping

We've only had four major designs over our 11 year history.

October 24th, 2004

Signs You’re a Budding Font Nerd

On the way home Friday, traffic was thick. I was coming home on a two-lane road in the left lane with nowhere to go. Suddenly I had a red Monte Carlo tailgating me – and, as I said, nowhere to go. She then cut over to the right lane and tried to pass me, but couldn’t because of… yes, traffic.

But as she tried to pass, Jeani spotted a sticker in her driver’s side quarter window. We eventually pulled even to see what it said and it looked like it said, “I’m not speeding. I’m qualifying.”

Okay, fine. At the next stoplight, we took another look to find that the sticker actually said, “I’am not speeding I’am qualifying.” Yes, I’am. It got me to wondering what the apostrophe was replacing… but when I mentioned my displeasure on the grammar front, I added, “…And it’s in Comic Sans MS! I can’t respect that.”

Comic Sans MS on a Monte Carlo. Just say no.

Posted in Everyday Life

mal Damkar March 11, 2008, 7:35 am

New York on the mac.

Well Any City named font was a font designed for the Imagewriter a 72ppi dotmatrix printer and thus its sizing was developed to make it look good on 1985 technology – being converted to ttf for hi-res imaging is just silly. Chicago I can understand it was a sys font handy to have that scalably and maybe geneva – but there it ends!

ok ok I am happy for all font to be as ttf/ otf whatever. but there’s usually a reason for why a font is like it is – but since no one usually knows it gets used for the wrong reasons and jeez it says ‘comic’ in the freaking name is it a comic book – no? then don’t freaking use it!!

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