The Daily Ping

There were rumors of a Ping book, but those were started on the internet.

July 24th, 2005

Let’s Just Make It ‘Kids’ Again

Yesterday in response to Ryan’s Ping addressed to Dear Olsen twin Pinger jk asked, “What are they teaching kids in terms of standard written English?”

I present to you the Chicago Public Schools’ program Kits for Kidz. This is a great program, offering school supplies to homeless children. But why, why, why do we need to continue with the “Z” at the end of “Kidz”?

“Kidz” is probably the most used incorrect spelling I’m aware of. A Google search for it brings up well over a million pages. MSN’s Kids section – located at – actually is MSN Kidz. If you’re looking for stuff to do with kids in London, London Kidz. The Kulture Kidz (aaaargh!) will teach you about African-American history. The list goes on and on.

I’m very curious about the origin of throwing a “Z” on the end of an otherwise fine word. I trust it happened at the same time a Kids’ Corner became “Kidz Korner” or Cool Kids became “Kool Kidz.” But it’s not too late. Let’s stop the madnezz and make “s” be cool and kid-like again. Let’s just make it “kids”.

Posted in Everyday Life

Steve May 25, 2008, 7:43 pm

At londonkidz we try hard to be *very* accurate in our use of the English language. And as for spelling, despite having no talent, we just aim for perfection. I write this as someone who corrects “less” when you mean “fewer”, who puts three “i”s in liaising, who hates “very unique” and even considers “alternatives” can only mean two choices, rather than many choices. But, sadly, we do not have the domain name for Even worse, the owner is not using it. So we have to make do with a phonetic equivalent. Sorry.

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