The Daily Ping

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December 27th, 2005

Promo Calendars

Most years at this point, I’m beginning to think about calendars for the new year. This year is different.

For some reason, it seems like more and more places are used calendars as promotional items. I’ve received a number of calendars from stores I’ve purchased from and organizations I’ve donated to in the past year as well as people like realtors trying to get my business. And the thing is, these calendars aren’t cheap-o ones, either… most of them are really nice, glossy calendars that could be (and in some cases, are) sold in stores. It’s kind of nice thinking about how come January 2nd, I won’t have to buy more than one or two small calendars.

I should note that I have purchased one calendar so far, the super-cheap, but super-cool kitchen calendar by the author of the Touched by an Anvil zine. This one’s going right on our fridge.

Posted in Everyday Life

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