The Daily Ping

P is for Ping. That's good enough for me.

August 13th, 2007

The One Thing I Like About Home Depot

I’m not a big fan of Home Depot, as I’ve probably mentioned here a few (dozen) times. Their customer service is usually pretty weak, it’s impossible to find anything because of the sheer size of the store, and (fill in your favorite anti-big box store complaint here).

There is one thing, though, that I really appreciate about the store: you can walk in looking (and smelling) like you haven’t showered or changed in two days and no one will really care that much (unless you’re standing next to a soccer mom looking at paint samples). Yesterday I was particularly funkdafied, my t-shirt still showing the flour from earlier waffle-making exploits and my hole-y “dog walking” shoes covering the only non-day-old clothing on my body, my socks. I was a sight, let me tell you. But I didn’t feel out of place because a.) other people looked the same way and b.) the store’s big enough that you’re never close enough for them to catch a whiff.

But to anyone that did happen to catch a whiff yesterday (particularly when I had to stop by Michael’s afterwards), I apologize from the bottom of my heart.

Posted in Consumer Commentary, Everyday Life

jk August 13, 2007, 8:04 pm

The smell of sawdust must compensate for any funkiness!

Paul August 14, 2007, 2:43 am

It wasn’t the George Clinton type of funk, I’m sure.

Aanen August 14, 2007, 11:38 am

Bad memories of working there are coming back!

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