The Daily Ping

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December 20th, 2007

Bohemian Paul’s Guide to Hot Sandwiches

I like sandwiches. They’re easy to put together, cost almost nothing when you bring them from home, and can be super tasty. There are two big problems with sandwiches though. First? They’re cold. Cold cuts. Cold bread. Refrigerated. Blah. Second? They can be repetitive.

I’ve come up with a simple, non-innovative way to spice up my from-home sandwiches. Here’s what I do. It requires a toaster and a microwave.

  1. Construct the sandwich as normal the day of or the day before work. (If you’re going crazy and adding toppings like lettuce, tomato, mustard, etc. keep ’em separate.
  2. When it’s lunch time, deconstruct the sandwich.
  3. Pop the bread in the toaster for as long as you please.
  4. Once done, reconstruct all of the sandwich parts you want to have hot.
  5. Pop the sandwich in the microwave for 30-50 seconds on high.
  6. Bring back your non-hot toppings.

This works especially well with cheese (real or soy) so long as it melts well. It makes a world of difference and, to me, makes sandwiches FUN again. Hooray!

Posted in Food and Beverage

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