The Daily Ping

There were rumors of a Ping book, but those were started on the internet.

June 16th, 2008

The Address Plaque Monopoly

It all started simply enough. When we moved in to our house we decided that the house’s current address plaque – featuring ceramic tiles with numbers straight out of 1976 – would be replaced. This past weekend the replacement process began.

I say began because, naturally, whoever last painted our house neglected to paint underneath the now-removed plaque. Thus there’s one rectangle of light beige with temporary nailed-on numbers (ours!) in lieu of an actual plaque.

We began to shop for said plaques and found that no matter which home improvement store we visited, the plaques were identical. Identical! For mass market address plaques, a little (probably giant) company called Whitehall rules the roost. This is what they tend to look like. One font, one deal, one big ugh boring boringness.

The alternatives are either much cheaper (in appearance) or much more expensive. That’s too bad. It’s also too bad that ordering a plaque from Whitehall takes about 2-6 weeks – I mean, this is 2008 right? There’s not a way to instantly fabricate and engrave this yet? Pfffft.

Posted in Consumer Commentary

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