The Daily Ping

P is for Ping. That's good enough for me.

May 31st, 2010


I come before you to admit that I haven’t had a ton of success with gardening. But I know why.

Last year my wife and I decided to start small with some tomato plants and, for the most part, they did pretty well! Except for the fact that between three plants we only got about 10 tomatoes. Opps. But, I can attribute that to not properly caring for them; they really needed more attention.

Earlier today I was at Menards picking up some topsoil when I stumbled into the veggie seed area. I started looking at several. Potatoes? Peppers? Why not? Visions of medium-sized gardens danced in my head. Tomatoes! Peppers! Mint! That’s it! But then I snapped out of it and realized that I hadn’t done too well with gardening in the past because I didn’t give the plants that much attention. And, well, I’ve got a four month old son now.

I’m still going to give some seedlings a go, but ones that require very little commitment.

I think I could really get into gardening. Any Pingers with advice?

Posted in Everyday Life

Huyen June 1, 2010, 2:54 am

Hey Paul, I haven’t tried it yet but if you have some old potatoes in your pantry that have started sprouting roots, I hear you can just chop em into sections and then plant those and a few months later you got potatoes! No seeds necessary.

If you do mint, put it in a container because that stuff spreads and it’ll come back every year.

We did tomatoes in containers one year and it gave us a bunch of tomatoes way past the regular season (you guessed it, we were late starting it but we did manage to get quite a few ‘maters before the lack of sun made them less tasty.) Once I grew a grape tomato plant from a rotten grape tomato… no need to buy seeds if you want to start from seeds. you put it in some really good potting soil and wrap it in plastic wrap (green house effect), put in daylight but not direct sun yet, and water as needed and a week or two you’ll see sprouts. Good luck!

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