The Daily Ping

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May 19th, 2011

TeuxDeux, take teux (take deux? whatever.)

Last year Paul wrote about TeuxDeux, yet another to-do list app/service/thingie. I tried it then, stuck with it for a week or teux and then moved onto something else.

Over the past few years, I’ve been through so many to-do list applications and techniques that I’ve lost count. Most work fine, but end up being too cumbersome or work against the natural way I think about my to-do list, which is essentially: “I’ve got this huge pile of tasks in several categories that I want to get done. I don’t care about sorted by severity, subtasks, next actions, or any of that crap. I just want to be able to focus on a few of those items each day and have a way to visually sort through the stuff.” The more I thought about it, the more I realized, “Wait. That’s exactly what TeuxDeux is all about.

You’ve got a five-day view and five unsorted columns underneath. You plop to-do tasks anywhere, you can label the columns if you want, you drag items around from day to day, and a day’s tasks get moved to the next day if you don’t do them. I’ve been back on board with TeuxDeux for about teux weeks now and it’s working out perfectly. I cleared out my list of items left over from 18 months ago and started fresh and it’s just what the doctor ordered. I’m getting things done more effectively and my focus isn’t drifting so easily. It’s just enough of a tool to help without getting in the way of actually, you know, doing things. And that’s dope.

Now, let’s just see an Android app (apparently on the way).

Posted in Everyday Life, Technology

Paul May 19, 2011, 12:33 pm

One little thing I found is that you can also drag “someday” items within those columns, too. Really lovely.

Jeb September 19, 2011, 7:32 pm

If you’re looking for a TeuxDeux app on Android, I just published JeuxDeux, which is exactly that: Hope you like it

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