The Daily Ping

Women make wilk, big whop!

August 31st, 2012

Worst toilet ever

I did a search for “worst toilet ever” in an attempt to find the toilet I would least like to use in a functional (or privacy) sense. Instead I found a bunch of pictures of really gross, uncleaned toilets. Instead, I’ll just go back to an old favorite – one I saw in Vietnam when I was there in 1998 (and which still exist in the more remote areas):

That’s a basket situated over two poles that hang over a river full of fish that eat poop. The basket is for privacy only. Otherwise, it’s straight into the river.

I never tried this particular type of toilet.

Posted in Toilets

Jatma November 23, 2016, 3:33 pm

The same as in Indonesia. Everything is exactly the same. Indonesia and Vietnam culture.

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The Daily Ping is the web's finest compendium of toilet information and Oreo™® research. Too much? Okay, okay, it's a daily opinion column written by two friends. Did we mention we've been doing this for over ten years? Tell me more!

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