The Daily Ping

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July 21st, 2007

Worst Birthday Party, Ever

I was originally thinking that our girl’s first birthday party would be farm-themed, but I think instead I want to follow the lead of this New York family, whose 3-year-old daughter spotted a corpse floating in a river during her party. Corpse Parties — they’ll be all the rage among soccer moms a year from now, mark my words.

What also blows my mind is that these parents spent $1500 for their kid’s party, which involved a “round-trip jaunt around the Statue of Liberty for about 40 guests, including at least 15 youngsters.” Please, God, tell me I won’t be spending $1500 every year for the foreseeable future on birthday parties. Seriously, the corpse in the river would be the least of my worries.

The good thing, I guess, is that they didn’t have to pay for the corpse. Corpses come free with any visit to the Hudson River.

Posted in Just Plain Odd

Dave Walls July 21, 2007, 4:22 pm

Too bad they forgot the coupon that gave them “Buy one corpse, get a mugging for half price”. That stuff adds up.

I’m actually leaving for my best friend’s daughters birthday party. Happy 4th birthday Moira, and happy 1st birthday, Lily!

COD July 21, 2007, 5:41 pm

My son’s first birthday party was about 40 adults, may 10 kids, all toddlers. We finished off the keg that was supplied free of charge by the microbrewer that my friend worked for and had to buy more beer. Basically, his first birthday party was sponsored by a brewery 🙂

Really, this year’s party is for the adults. She’ll likely sleep through most of it anyway.

Steve A July 21, 2007, 11:58 pm

Now EVERY kid will want a floating corpse for THEIR birthday! Damn, I hope we have enough to go around!


jk July 22, 2007, 4:01 am

Real life story: My best friend’s daughter turned 10 this year and when they opened the store-bought cake, it was covered with ants.

They brushed them off and ate it anyway.

I don’t make this stuff up.

Worst birthday party memory in my life.

Merle July 23, 2007, 9:37 pm

Steve: luckily, corpses can be reused. Just have a big net at the foot of the river, collect them up, go back upstream, and dump them back into the river. Each corpse should be able to serve several hundred birthday parties.

And it could be like geocaching, where the birthday kid gets to tag the corpse with something!

Steve A July 26, 2007, 10:58 am

Merle: I hadn’t thought it through. That is SO right. And think, as they bloat, they float. There can be Corpse Rides. Sort of like surfing, but squishy.



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