The Daily Ping

The Ping is self-aware.

September 8th, 2000

Can anyone run for President anymore?

One of the supposedly great things about America is that any person can run for President, so long as he or she is 35 years old and a native citizen. That’s the principle.

The truth and practice, though, is vastly different. If you don’t have the cash, you might not get on the ballot. Once you decide to run for President, you’ll have to garner a certain number of votes to get your name on the ballot in each state. In Illinois, for instance, the number is 25,000. But wait! If any of the parties already on the ballot wish to, they can challenge your signatures. You’ll then have to prove, in some fashion, that the signatures you’ve got are the real deal. This could stall your campaign for weeks. This law varies by state.

Once you’ve squared that away, you might want to get into the debates. However, this requires loads of money – loads of it – preferably from the same companies that sponsor the debates’ airtime. No Lincoln-Douglas stuff here; you need the bucks. If you don’t have it, you can’t participate. Unless, of course, you and your opponents agree to another debate that is not televised, but then you’re losing an audience.

And so it goes. There’s a reason we see a Republican and a Democrat every year: they’ve got truckloads of money to blow. That’s the very reason you need to seek out third party candidates; the two big parties spend money on convincing people that should they vote for a third party candidate (like you, if you were to run), it’d be a wasted vote. -pm

Posted in Politics

Abby January 7, 2007, 10:10 pm

My grandpa is 91 and wants to run for president. Anyone know if anyone older has run before? I know older peeps have run for Congress, but not sure about presidency…

francisco October 3, 2007, 4:48 am

Well, I’ve decided to make a run for the 2008 office. Below are my stand on some of the issues we face. If you liked what you’ve read and wish to help or have more inquiries, please hit me up. I’d be more than happy to reply.

Greetings America!!

I was just sitting here thinking about the upcoming 2008 Presidential election and thought I would share some of my views in the hope of soliciting your help and votes to support me in a run for the big office for 2008 as an Independent candidate.

First, my name is Francisco Logan, 41, and I am a decorated retiree of the U.S. Army with over 20 years of active duty service and 3 years reserve service. I’ve been re-married for 6 years, after losing my first wife of 15 years to breast cancer in 2001 and raising four daughters ages: 12, 9, 8 and 7 in New Braunfels, TX.

Orignally, I hail from Baltimore, MD. I dropped out of high school to join the miltary, but ended up graduating anyways to enlist into the regular Army. During my military tours, I attended several colleges, to include University of Maryland, University of Massachuetts and University of Phoneix.

My military background includes leadership, logistics, analysis and training. Before leaving military service, I did some background acting in a few tv shows and two movies, performed on Showtime at the Apollo, attended the 2005 Grammys and currently manage several up-and-coming musical artists as an artist manager.

The need of the people is what our constitution was built on. This is why we have elected representation. But to me, it seems that money is getting the best of some of those we elect every 2 and 4 years.

So, we need to re-focus our attention to the needs of the Amercian people. Currently, we are fighting an unpopular war. I am in favor of Dennis Kucinich’s idea of bringing all troops, to include advisories, out of Iraq within 90 days of taking office in 2009.

Second, to reform campaign and tax expenditures. At present, to run for this office, one needs aprroximately close to $300 million. What for? There are 50 states and your name is added to the ballot once you can secure enough verifiable voter signatures and pay the election fee. Roughly, from all 50 states, I need a million signatures. To have some volunteers and some paid staffers to help with your campaign, I would need to raise $5 mil. And advertisement to all 50 states would take roughly about $70 mil to $100 mil, to effectively campaign. To get from place to place to tell the people of my vision, ever hear of “bartering” for transporation.

And why is it, that we are being triple taxed? You buy something from Target or WalMart, you pay a tax on it. But a tax have already been paid by Target / WalMart. Then your income is taxed? Do you really have enough left over from your pay to do things you really want? Will Social Security still exist for you at 70? There isn’t a middle class anymore. There are those who are doing well (managing to stay above water) and those who aren’t doing well at all.

Why are some making millions of your tax dollars to lobby congress on certain issues? Who is suppose to be representing the people? Isn’t this why we have elections? If you are like me and have an issue, you’re proactive and making calls to the appropriate elected representative to find out what’s going on and what they are doing about it. As was the case when I needed to get approval for a reassignment to handle my ailing elderly parents’ estate during their illness before they died. The Army had originally denied my request, but with a phone call to my congress person office, a representive from their office was on the case researching the facts of my claim and validated the findings for which the Army finally did approve my re-assignment. The system does work, if properly used!!

If elected President, I will make every attempt to ensure that funding for federal spending goes for that purpose and not having special projects added to it in a midnight raid. You may wonder why Gravina Island, Alaska needed a bridge, when they had been getting back and forth to the mainland by ferry just fine. Luckily, the media made light of it and that part of the bill was deleted, saving the American taxpayer $398 million.

It’s things like this that is the reason I want to run for President. To make the system work for the people and improve the lives of the people. But it does not just start with electing a president. It start with those elected to the Congress and Senate. For which, I believe in term limits and electing third party candidates. If you are a congress person in the congress for 20 years or more, what does your record really reflect? What good have they done for the people they represent? In the current two parties system, Democrat and Republican, nothing really have been done to better the lives of the American people. Sure, we’ve manage to make some headway just to keep the peace. But we could be way beyond where we are at present. They both talk a good game. But where’s the walk? As a 1980’s Wendys’ commercial once asked: “Where’s the beef?”

Every year an election comes around, the first thing I hear from a potential candidate is: “It time for change”. But what’s really changes? The lives of the American people have!! We went from being the innovators and producers of consumers goods to slackers for the most part. We allowed ourselves to purchase more from outside sources because labor is cheaper outside the U.S. and an avoidance of labor and tax laws is easier for businesses and corporations to do so. The so-called NAFTA would be on the cutting block, if I am elected. I would revamp our system to 1960’s price index. A 3 bd, 2 ba house in Southern California that cost $400,000 cost about $100,000 in rural North Carolina. I don’t know about you, but do it make sense. I lived in both states and properties are the same. You may have to deal with some weather and geological issues, but it is ridiculous in the housing price index. With the technology we have today, we do not need as much oil from foreign countries and can save another $400 billion a year easily.

On the matter of foreign policy: It is sometimes best to let foreing countries handle their own issues. We have to take care of our own house first, before issuing utimatums and threatening economic sanctions to another country just becayse we do not like the way they handle their business. However, at the same time, if we are directly threaten by a sadistic terrorist and or country and can positively identify that source, it is on! We need to reinforce our national defense as it has suffered over the last 10 years. Recruitment into the armed forces have seen its largest decline in 30 years and that is a direct result of mis-managment from those currently in office. When I enlisted, I wanted to serve my country. I had pride in wearing my uniform and representing the U.S. when I was stationed overseas. Diplomacy started when I participated with host nation local groups showing good will. But it was never a force it down your throat thing, as we are doing now. It is really up the Iraqi people to take hold of what they have. Time to start fresh. I would encourage the three sects to work together or decide on how to split into their own reigons. As we are contiuing to overvome racism, sexism, and expression of religion here in the U.S., so does the Iraqi people and others in regions where conflicts are still raging. Not one solution fit all will work in some of these regions. It will be several things to finally solve the conflicts. But it is people themselves who will have to make those decisions and chose for themselves. Burma is doing just that.

We have a set of rules to play by, but we have to re-look and debate on updating some of them to meet the condition of today’s environment. We have alot to do, but not enough time will be left if we do nothing.

If you feel in agreement with me on some of the issues and would like to know more, I encourage you to hit me up.
We can accept donations up to $2000 per person, the maximum amount an individual can give in according with federal campaign finance laws.

Thank you for your time regarding this correspondence!!

Ryan October 3, 2007, 5:07 am

“I don’t know about you, but do it make sense.”

Promise me that’s your campaign slogan and I’ll vote for you.

jesse March 11, 2008, 10:21 pm

According to the media there is some type of grant from tax payer’s . That can be filed for getting money to run for president. Do you know where & how to apply for this?

TOM ODONNELL June 6, 2010, 1:46 am


Ryan June 6, 2010, 2:36 am

LOL @ “The Other President of the USA.”

LOL @ the web site.


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